Davis Clawson and family
This is a family picture taken of the Davis Benjamin Clawson and Rebecca J. (Burkett) Clawson family. This was probably taken in 1907 based on Clarence Shaffer's age in this picture (born Oct 31, 1906).
Back row: Dallas Shaffer, Bob Long, Ed Seigler, Jr., Ed Seigler, Sr., Lane McClellan
Middle Row: Irene Seigler, Etta Shaffer and son (Clarence Shaffer), Minnie Long and son (George Davis Long), Davis and Rebecca Clawson, Mary Seigler, Emma McClellan, Isobel Seigler, Lillian Seigler
Front Row: Ethel and Velma Shaffer, William Long, Elizabeth Long, Lester McClellan, Mary Shaffer