Pictures from Princeton, New Jersey (August 15-17, 2003)

These are a few of the pictures that I took when my tennis team went to the Men's 4.5 NTRP  Middle State Sectional Championships.  We had won the Allegheny Mountain District League and went to play the other districts in the USTA Middle States Section. We finished third out of 6 teams.  The first place got an invitation to play the Nationals in Arizona.

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John Rush


Kevin Sebolt

Steve Lasica and Paul Schneider

Chuck Correll


Jim Rush


Princeton Veteran's Park Tennis Center

 Mark Pemu


 Jeff Dadowski


 Jeff Dadowski and Chuck Correll


 Steve Lasica

 Ehren Frey


Front Row:  Jim Rush, Jeff Dadowski, Keith Clawson, Chuck Correll

Back Row:  Paul Schneider, John Rush, Mark Pemu, Kevin Sebolt, Ehren Frey, Steve Lasica




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