Lucian is from a different Clawson family than mine but lived in the same area of Pennsylvania.
LUCIAN CLAWSON. A prominent and leading democrat of Westmoreland county, a man of extended business experience, and a well-known resident of Greensburg is Lucian Clawson. He was born in Bell town- ship, Westmoreland county, Pa., August 26, 1839, and is a son of Peter and Elizabeth Clawson. Peter Clawson (grandfather) was an industrious and thrifty farmer. His wife was Barbara Ringle, of German descent. She lived far beyond the allotted years of life, and died in 1880 at ninety-three years of age. Peter Clawson (father) was born in 1818. His occupation was farming, but he spent much of his time as a boatman on the old Pennsylvania canal. He was a life-long democrat, a substantial member of the Lutheran church, and died of typhoid fever in 1850. Mr. Clawson had seven children, of whom five are living, two girls and three boys.
Lucian Clawson was reared on a farm and received his education in the common schools of Bell township and Elder's Ridge academy. At eighteen years of age he left home to engage in oil-well drilling. He ran an engine for some time in the oil region above Franklin, Venango county, and then engaged in boating oil on the Allegheny river for a short season. He was next employed as a clerk in the Oil City post-office, and then went to Illinois, where he was engaged in the grocery business for one year. In 1865 he returned to his native State, where he was appointed through the influence of Judge Pettis as mail route agent on the Farmers' rail- road. He served in that capacity until the Pennsylvania railroad company purchased the railroad. Leaving the mail service in 1862, he became a grain dealer, and engaged in boating on the old canal. In March, 1868, he came to Greensburg and was engaged for one year as a carpenter and one year as a huckster. From 1871 to 1879 he was a partner with C. Cribbs at Greensburg, in the tobacco business. In 1880 he was with Joseph Bowman in the mercantile business. From 1882 to 1889 he owned and conducted a wholesale and retail grocery on Main street, Greensburg. In 1889 he became proprietor of his present book and stationery store on Main street. He has a fine room and carries in stock a full line of standard works, school, miscellaneous and blank books, fine stationery, magazines, popular volumes of fiction and school supplies. By courteous attention to the public and fair dealing he has secured an ample share of public patronage. He has dealt and is considerably interested in real estate.
On November 28, 1867, he was married to Mary E. Bowman, daughter of Joseph Bowman, who is a Ieading merchant of Greensburg. They have had six children, of whom one son and two daughters are living: Henrietta, born September 20, 1876; Lurine B., December 10, 1879, and Curtis Bowman, March 11, 1882.
Lucian Clawson is unswerving in his allegiance to the democratic
faith of his fathers, and has always been actively engaged in the interests
of the Democratic party. In 1875-76 he served as deputy sheriff of
Westmoreland county, and June 81 1889, he was nominated at the democratic
primaries for sheriff of the county. He had nine hundred majority over
his highest competitor at the primary election, and in November was elected
by 1,062 majority over Col. John R. Oushler. In all campaigns, local,
state or national, he has always taken an active part. Defeat never
dampens his ardor or exercises any depressing effect on his efforts. His
record as a public official was satisfactory. His business qualifications
and accustomed energy well fit him for the discharge of public duties.