JOHN D. THOMPSON, veteran of the Civil war and one of the well-known farmers of Blacklick township, Indiana county, was born in that township, Jan. 2, 1844, son of David Thompson.
The first of this family in Indiana county was John Thompson, known as “drover John,” who married Mary Cain. To their union were born the following children: John; Rosanna, who married William Hanna; Sarah, who married William Hopkins; Margaret, who married John Crusan; William, who married Mary Brady; George C., who married Elizabeth Davis; and Robert.
John Thompson, son of John and Mary (Cain) Thompson, was a farmer of Blacklick township, where his life was spent. He married Eleanor Davis, and had children: John; William; George; James; David; Samuel, who married Sarah Clawson; Christopher, who settled in Clarion county, Pa.; Jane, wife of Adam Creamer; and Margaret, wife of Dr. John Bennett, a prominent physician of Erie, Pennsylvania.
David Thompson, son of John and Eleanor (Davis) Thompson, was horn Jan. 24, 1815. In his younger days he worked on the Pennsylvania canal, first as mule driver on the tow path from Pittsburg to Johnstown. Later he was employed as bowman and still later as steersman. He subsequently took up farming on a tract of 100 acres near Muddy run, now owned by his son John D. Thompson, and also engaged in stock raising, etc. In time he added twenty-five acres to his original purchase, and he made extensive improvements on his farm. He was noted for his industry and thrifty habits, and all of the large family he raised reflect credit on him, being citizens of standing and integrity. He died on his farm Nov. 20, 1867, and was buried in Hopewell cemetery. Mr. Thompson was interested in politics and a Democrat in his views, but took no active part in public life. He married Nancy Clawson, who was born July 6, 1823, daughter of Samuel and Ann (Doneheu) Clawson, and died April 25, 1905; she was buried in Hopewell cemetery. She was a devoted wife and mother, a woman of strong Christian character. Children as follows were born, to Mr. and Mrs. Thompson: Mary Ann married Wellington Spires, of Blacklick township; John D. is mentioned below; Ellen, born in 1845, died in 1881, unmarried; Sarah Jane married Albert Donahey and died in Arm strong county; Margaret married Columbus Repine and resides in Burrell township, Indiana county; Ruth married Milton L. Cunningham, of Clarksburg, Pa.; Samuel is a resident of Blairsville; Elmer, who was formerly sheriff of Indiana county, resides in Blairsville; Rachel is the widow of Robert Repine and resides in Blairsville; Matilda married Thomas C. Smith and resides in Clarksburg; one died in infancy.
John D. Thompson, son of David and Nancy (Clawson) Thompson, attended school in his native township and worked with his parents until he was nineteen years of age. It was then, in 1863, that he went west, to Rock Island county, Ill., where he became engaged in teaming, receiving a dollar a day for his services. While there he enlisted, in 1864, in the 9th Illinois Cavalry, Company C, under Colonel Hatch and Captain Smith, and served one year, being mustered out at Selma, Ala. From there he returned to Illinois, where he continued to’ work until 1866, coming back to the homestead on account of the illness of his father. His father dying a year later, he took charge of the farm, where he has remained ever since, carrying on general farming and stock raising. He made a great many improvements on the property, including the erection of a barn and the present dwelling, and his progressive disposition and enterprise are apparent in all he undertakes. By hard work and foresight he has succeeded in attaining a creditable position, financially and personally. He takes a deep interest in his township and county, being always ready to support anything for the general good. A Democrat in politics, he has taken considerable interest in party affairs and public life, and has filled the office of assessor continuously since 1897. He has also been school director for one term. He is a leading member of the Hopewell M. E. Church, which he serves as trustee, and was a member of the building committee. By virtue of his Civil war service he holds membership in the G. A. B., belonging to Findley Post.
In 1888 Mr. Thompson married Lettica Lawrence, a native of Blacklick
township, sister of William Stewart Lawrence, mentioned elsewhere in this
work. Mrs. Thompson is a member of Hopewell M. E. Church. One child has come
to this union, Albert J., born Jan. 1, 1889. He was educated in the township,
and from early boyhood has worked with his father on the farm, being now
in partner ship with him. He is a member of Hope- well M. B. Church, and
in politics a Republican. He married Nov. 8, 1911, Margaret B. Hill, who
was born in Burrell township, this county, daughter of James P. and Lottie